Friday, April 30, 2010

The Russians are Coming-with explosive liquefied gas and/or will hydrofracking ruin our drinking water

There are no easy answers to heating with gas.

The Sparrows Point large-scale liquefied natural gas marine import terminal all by itself could be a disaster. The liquefied natural gas tankers have been called “floating bombs” with the explosive potential of a Hiroshima sized atomic bomb sans-radiation. A large scale leak could also “fast freeze” a large area at −260 °F.

Drilling in Pennsylvania’s forests for natural gas is both an environmental problem and could endanger water supplies.

Gas pipelines themselves have exploded with deadly results.

If we are going to use natural gas there are no easy answers.

In order to minimize the risk, very strict regulations with strong teeth are a must. But right now we have soft regulations and an extremely sparse regulatory staff. 

Have a glass of methane

Danger at our doorstep

LNG storage facilities outside Baltimore and Washington would be tempting targets

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Activeion spray bottle uses water as a disinfectant

This appears to be a good product.

When we tested antiseptic cleaners at a place where I worked we started by washing down a surface with water. The chemist that was there said, “well now you washed away all of the pathogens”. 

Keep in mind that water alone will remove most pathogens by just washing them away. But you do need some kind of soap or detergent to clean some crud or stains.

Anti-bacterial hand soap can be overkill. It can kill skin friendly microorganisms. 

gizmag Activeion spray bottle uses water as a disinfectant

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

About David Brooks' column, "Relax, We'll be Fine"

David Brooks’ optimism is well founded, but he leaves out one very important element, the real world or what most people call nature.

Sounds great until you throw in the fact that the "sunbelt" could be along the US Canadian border within 50 years.

Most of Florida could disappear under water and the American West could be hot dry and combustible. If New York, NY is around, it could have dikes surrounding it. Maybe the name will be changed back to New Amsterdam. The Gulf Coast and Mid-west could be too hot and stormy to be habitable.

David Brooks’ column concerns social and economic conditions and leaves the real world aside.

I call nature the real world. Being the narcissistic human centered animals that we are, we call the made for humans construction we devised the real world. The construct we made is comfortable and enjoyable but we live and survive here by the Grace of God or of the real natural world.

Maybe we can overcome an earth heated to temperatures not seen in at least 15,000 years. But it most certainly won't be pretty.

2010 is shaping up to be the warmest year on record. I don’t think it will be too long before even the Teabaggers are forced to admit to global warming.

If the ocean dies from too high temperatures and stops producing the oxygen we need to breathe, the earth will still be here and life will be on it but humans will be extinct. Hopefully, we will act before it’s too late to be reversed.

New York Times

Relax, We’ll Be Fine

Published: April 5, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ain't no fish there

Any flyfisherman and especially the men I know who catch and release wild trout in the 3000 per year and up have experienced rising temperatures and aquatic insect emersion periods come earlier in the year. Mayflies could be renamed Marchflies. It happened between 1980 and the present time. Since the early 1900 you could set your watch to the first emersion of a particular mayfly. People booked reservations to hotels near streams years in advance. It all began to change about 1980. I think that anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors and appreciates wildlife would bet their house that global warming is and has been happening since 1980.

I think the people that believe the climate change denier propaganda from the coal industry don’t get out much in the real world. I would bet that they can’t see one fish in a stream full with 2 trout per square yard where a flyfisherman sees 50 or more trout. The climate change deniers would say there’s no fish here. I would bet they can’t see 10 deer in a woods edge that a seasoned deer hunter does see. The climate change deniers would say there’s no deer here.

Scientists' use of computer models to predict climate change is under attack

By David A. Fahrenthold
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 6, 2010